Advanced Dental Care


Dental Exams and Teeth Cleaning in Show Low, AZ

Dental health is very important to your overall health. Proper care of your teeth helps to prevent build up of bacteria that can lead to a number of dental conditions and even contribute to medical problems in other areas of your body. 
Our dentists and dental hygienists in Show Low, AZ, are experienced in preventative dental care, providing teeth cleanings and dental exams. 


A prophylaxis is the technical term for a preventive cleaning. It is performed by a registered hygienist who uses special instruments to clean off mineralized plaque called tartar. If left untreated, this tartar will house bacteria and cause the gums to become infected and inflamed, which can lead to more chronic issues that could even result in the loss of teeth. That is why having a prophylaxis done on a regular basis is so important! We recommend at least once every 6 months. Doing this along with consistent at home care will not only improve your overall oral health, but will also help prevent the need for more costly and extensive dental work.

Our hygienists also use professional-grade polishing paste that removes surface stains and plaque. This helps to slow yellowing of teeth, and gives you that smooth glossy feeling that everyone loves! After each cleaning, the doctor will then perform a dental exam to check for any cavities, tooth decay, and other potential issues.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease is the most common adult dental affliction. Periodontal disease causes swollen, red, and tender gums, and if left untreated can lead to irreversible bone loss in the jaw, which can then cause tooth loss. The cause for this condition is usually poor oral hygiene, but some medical conditions such as diabetes and also smoking/chewing tobacco can increase your chances of developing it.

Once Periodontal Disease starts there is no way to cure it, but it can be controlled through dedicated home care and consistent in office cleanings. Depending on the severity of disease, these in office cleanings could be 2, 3, or 4 times a year. 
Our hygienists are well trained and experienced in caring for periodontal disease and will be a major asset in helping you create a personalized treatment plan to help you combat this common condition.

Scaling and Root Planing

Sometimes gum disease can advance to the point of extreme sensitivity and pain in the gums. If you have a stubborn case of gum disease, our doctors and hygienists may recommend Scaling and Root Planing. This is also sometimes referred to as "SRP" or a "Deep Cleaning". The purpose of this deep cleaning is to give your gums the chance to heal and to reattach to the surfaces of your teeth. This procedure is usually split into at least 2 appointments, and we will typically do 2 quadrants of the mouth at a time.

Your hygienist will use local anesthesia to numb the area to make things more comfortable for you. They will then begin first with the scaling, which is the removal of plaque and tartar from both above and below the gumline. This will reduce inflammation, pain, and infection in the gums. Then, they will move on to Root Planing, which is the smoothing of the tooth root. This allows the gums to better reattach to the surface of the tooth.

This procedure is one of the most effective nonsurgical ways to treat gum disease, and will help your gums to feel much better.
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Call (928) 537-4363 to make an appointment for a dental exam
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